Key benefits

The Wassara technology uses water to power the down-the-hole (DTH) percussion hammer. This makes it the superior choice for many drilling applications where air-powered DTH hammer, top hammer or rotary drilling equipment are normally used.

Environmental friendly

The water-powered technique gives no pollution as no oil is used to lubricate the hammer, only pure water is used. You get no injection of air or oil in the formation, no influence of oil in the ground water and no oil mist or dust distribution in the air – all important benefits, not least for the work environment.

Borehole quality and accuracy

With Wassara you get straight and stable boreholes, thanks to the tight clearance between drill string and borehole. The stability is maintained by the water column's hydrostatic pressure. Also, the low up-hole velocity of the water prevents creation of cavities, which means cleaner and smoother holes. The low velocity of the return water minimizes the wear on the hammer guide ribs, making it possible to keep a tight clearance between hammer and borehole.

The water-powered drilling doesn’t erode the borehole (left) 1. With Wassara 2. With air-powered DTH

Drilling performance

Since the Wassara technique itself uses water, it drills through water-rich formations without problems. The high penetration rate also provides very efficient and fast drilling through almost any material, from boulders and wood to dense clay and old foundations.

Project economics

The energy consumption with Wassara is normally 50–80% less than with air-powered drilling systems. Another cost saving factor is the minimum wear on the equipment, due to the low up-hole velocity of the water.

Calculating total costs for a drilling project all aspects needs to be considered

  • Cost of fuel and compressor rentals – Water-powered drilling has 3-5 times less power consumption.
  • Project time – When drilling in difficult formations, water-powered drilling has proven to be a versatile method effectively coping with hard, soft and water rich formations. This ensures the projects stays on time.
  • Efficiency – In many applications water-powered drilling is several times faster than conventional methods. The Wassara method has similar accuracy as core drilling, still 2-5 times faster. When drilling longer holes, Wassara maintains speed over total length.
  • By using the unique Wassara Jet grouting technology, several steps in the process can be eliminated.
  • Wear on hammers and drill string is often considerably less due to the low up-hole velocities, hammers can also be repaired with service kits to maximise lifetime of equipment.

Drilling in sensitive areas

The Wassara drilling technique minimises the risk of pressurising the formation, which ensures a minimum of disturbance to the surrounding services and adjacent structures. The ground water table is not impacted – and neither does the ground water table impact the drilling work.